General Appearance: The Rottweiler is medium to large build, powerful, black with clearly defined rust
or mahogany markings. His compact and substantial build denotes great strength, agility, and endurance. Dogs are
more massive throughout with larger frames than bitches. Bitches are more slender in frame with feminine characteristics.
Size: Dogs are
24-27 inches. Bitches are 22-25 inches. Okay as long as the proportions are within the standard range.
Head: Medium
in length, wide between the ears, seen from a side view the head should be arched slightly. They should appear noble,
alert, and self-assured.
Body: The
chest is broad and spacious reaching to the elbow. The back is straight, without a slump and is strong. The neck
is powerful, usually long with good muscle structure.
The legs are strong in straight alignment with equal space in between so that the legs are not closely together.
The hindquarters balance is that of the front quarters. The upper thigh is distinctively muscular and much larger.
Coat: Is straight
and coarse. The undercoat around the neck and thigh should be present. It changes in the amount depending on the
location where the dog is raised.
Color: Always
black with rust to mahogany markings that are clearly defined in locations as follows: a spot over each eye, on
cheek stretching to the lower part of the muzzle to midway down the neck, triangle marks on the post sternum; in the forelegs
down to the toes, inside the rear legs, down the front of the strife, under the tail.
Gait: The
Rottweiler moves like a horse with the front and hind legs working together. The movement is balanced and explosive
with strong forereach to cover ground and powerful rear drive for momentum. When speed increases the front and rear
will converge under the body to the center.
Basically a calm, self-assured, courageous dog. He does not make to much noise when he responds to influences in
his environment. His natural ability to protect home and family are inherited of the breed. Very intelligent with
the capability to adapt to the harshest environment, strong drive to work which makes him very suitable to be a companion,
guardian and a all- purpose dog.